Occurrence of Ancylostoma in dogs, cats and public places from Andradina city, São Paulo state, Brazil


  • Willian Marinho Dourado Coelho Universidade Estadual Paulista; Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias; Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva
  • Alessandro Francisco Talamini do Amarante UNESP; Instituto de Biociências
  • Juliana de Carvalho Apolinário UNESP; FOA; Programa Multicêntrico de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Fisiológicas
  • Natalia Marinho Dourado Coelho UNESP; FOA; Departamento de Apoio, Produção e Saúde Animal
  • Katia Denise Saraiva Bresciani UNESP; FOA; Departamento de Apoio, Produção e Saúde Animal


Ancylostomiasis, Cutaneous larva migrans, Helminths, Small animals, Zoonosis


The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and intensity of Ancylostoma spp. in 33 dogs and 52 cats by means of coproparasitological examinations and parasitological necropsy, and assess the presence of contaminated feces with eggs of that parasite in public places of Andradina Municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil. Willis-Mollay and Sedimentation methods indicated Ancylostoma spp. eggs in 87.8% (29/33) dogs and 94.2% (49/52) cats. The species A. caninum and A. braziliense were found in 63.6% (21/33) and 30.3% (10/33) of dogs, respectively. Considering cats, 67.3% (35/52) were parasitized by A. braziliense, 21.1% (11/52) by A. caninum, and 9.6% (5/52) by A. tubaeforme. Forty-two canine fecal samples were collected from public environments, including 23 squares/gardens and 19 streets/sidewalks. Positive samples for Ancylostoma spp. accounted for 64.3% (27/42); squares/gardens had 60.9% (14/23) positive samples, and streets and sidewalks, 68.4% (13/19). No association was observed between the number of Ancylostoma spp parasites and age, sex and breed of the animals and also the ratio of EPG counts and the parasitic intensity observed at necropsy (p >; 0.05). Based on the high occurrence of hookworm in dogs and cats in this study, the treatment with anti helminthics are needed even in those animals with negative stool tests, besides adopting control of the number of animals in public places, in order to decrease the likelihood of environmental contamination, since this parasite represents a potential hazard to human and animal health.








How to Cite

Coelho, W. M. D., Amarante, A. F. T. do, Apolinário, J. de C., Coelho, N. M. D., & Bresciani, K. D. S. (2011). Occurrence of Ancylostoma in dogs, cats and public places from Andradina city, São Paulo state, Brazil . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 53(4), 181-184. https://revistas.usp.br/rimtsp/article/view/31402