Treatment of relapsing chronic infections of the respiratory tract: a comparative study of the effectiveness of non specific immunotherapy with the immunoadjuvant p40 and of vaccinotherapy


  • E. Henocq Institut Pasteur; Unité d'Allergologie
  • R. Veronesi Hospital das Clínicas
  • J. C. Bazin Institut Pasteur; Unité d'Allergologie
  • B. Bizzini Institut Pasteur; Unité d'lmmunochimie des Protéines


The treatment of relapsing chronic infections (RCI) encounters many difficulties. In the present study, the use of the immuno adjuvant P40 either alone or in association with vaccinotherapy for the treatment of RCI turned out to be very effective, whereas vaccinotherapy alone was not. It is hypothesized that cell-mediated immunity may play a major role in controlling RCI, since the clinical improvement of the patients kept up with the positivation of previously negative skin tests carried out with either the specific infecting agent or with recall-anti gens.


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Therapeutic Assays

How to Cite

Henocq, E., Veronesi, R., Bazin, J. C., & Bizzini, B. (1984). Treatment of relapsing chronic infections of the respiratory tract: a comparative study of the effectiveness of non specific immunotherapy with the immunoadjuvant p40 and of vaccinotherapy . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 26(2), 105-109.