Holochilus brasiliensis nanus Thomas, 1897: as an experimental model for filariasis, leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis


  • Othon de Carvalho Bastos UFMa; Programa de Imunologia
  • Moysés Sadigursky UFBa; Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz
  • Maria do Desterro Soares Brandão do Nascimento UFMa; Programa de Imunologia
  • Reginaldo Peçanha Brazil UFMa; Programa de Imunologia
  • João Carvalho de Holanda UFRj; Dept.° de Parasitologia


Wild rodents classified as Holochilus brasiliensis nanus THOMAS, 1897, were captured in Lowland Region of State of Maranhão-Brazil. Natural infection by schistosome and filaria was detected in the most of these animals. Rodents born in the Animal House of the University of Maranhão were experimentally infected with Leishmania mexicana amazonensis or Schistosoma mansoni. Pathological aspects of leishmaniasis in these animals were found similar to that found in hamsters infected with Leishmania. Severe hepatic lesions were found in the animals infected with schistosome similar to that seen in human infection. These findings suggest the utilization of this animal as an experimental model of filariasis, leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis.


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How to Cite

Bastos, O. de C., Sadigursky, M., Nascimento, M. do D. S. B. do, Brazil, R. P., & Holanda, J. C. de. (1984). Holochilus brasiliensis nanus Thomas, 1897: as an experimental model for filariasis, leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 26(6), 307-315. https://revistas.usp.br/rimtsp/article/view/87338