The CSF in cryptococcal meningitis


  • João Baptista dos Reis-Filho Escola Paulista de Medicina; Setor de LCR
  • Afonso Carlos Neves Escola Paulista de Medicina
  • Samuel Tau Zymberg Escola Paulista de Medicina
  • Roberto de M. Carneiro de Oliveira Escola Paulista de Medicina


The Authors emphasize the importance of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the diagnoses of nervous system cryptococcosis. It is analysed 46 observations of patients with criptococcal meningitis searched in the 1953 1984 period, 32 male and 14 female. The age ranged between 11 and 59 years. The cell count of CSF was high as 1050 and as low as 9 per cubic millimeter. The cells were mainly of the mononuclear type. The protein content was normal in 14% of the cases and increased in 86%. The sugar levels were normal or with a discreet elevation in 39% and low in 61%. In 45 cases was perform- ed the India Ink test in the CSF sediment and the Cryptococcus neoformans was found in 44. In this one with India Ink test negative the culture in Sabouraud medium allowed the growth of yeast organism. It is very important to perform the India Ink test in every CSF sample with pleocitosis, in order to make early diagnosis. In this paper the spinal fluid change looks like that of tuberculous meningitis in 54% of the patients. In 7 samples the cloudness of the CSF was given only by the high number of parasites.


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How to Cite

Reis-Filho, J. B. dos, Neves, A. C., Zymberg, S. T., & Oliveira, R. de M. C. de. (1985). The CSF in cryptococcal meningitis . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 27(4), 173-178.