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Author Guidelines

The journal publishes unpublished papers, works that were presented in events and / or works that were published in ANAIS or disclosed in websites, electronic reviews or printed newsletters. The contributions to the journal are submitted to the Editorial Board who will indicate two referees (one from the Architecture and Urbanism Post Graduation Program of EESC – USP and the other from the outside of the program), and it will make the final decision about the chance of publication. The papers must include abstracts in Portuguese, English and Spanish and it must contain a  maximum of 100 words (ABNT NBR 6028, 2003) and three keywords (free or according to USP controlled vocabulary). O texto deve ser digitado em espaço 1,5, fonte Arial tamanho 11, margem 2,5 e ter, no máximo, 25 (vinte e cinco) páginas, incluindo tabelas, gráficos, figuras e referências bibliográficas. Os capítulos, títulos e subtítulos deverão ser ordenados segundo os seguintes critérios: Título 1: Arial, tamanho 14, normal, negrito. Título 2: Arial, tamanho 12, normal, negrito. Título 3: Arial, tamanho 11, normal, negrito. The citations at the texts must use the author-date system according to ABNT NBR 10520, 2002. The notes must come along the text. The references must follow the ABNT NBR 6023, 2002 at the end of the text. Following: some examples: Book (with one author):
HALL, Peter. Cidades do amanhã. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1995.
Note: the title of the book must be emphasized.

Journal Paper:
COSTA, Nilson do Rosário. A questão sanitária e a cidade. Espaço & Debates, São Paulo, n. 22, p.5-25, 1987.

Book chapter:
BOULTING, N. The law's delays: conservationist legislation in the British Isles. In: FAWCETT, J. (org.). The future of the past: attitudes to conservation 1174-1974. London: Thames and Hudson, 1976.

Images must be included in the text and also be sent separately, with resolution 300dpi. Images also must be followed by their complete sources references.

The journal will not pay any royalties or copyrights to the authors of papers.

The decision to publicize or not a paper doesn’t mean that the Editorial Board agrees or doesn’t agree with the content, but it is a result of a selection among the contribution presented to the journal which considers the available space and the theme opportunity.

The papers must be sent to the journal in a CD-room and three printed copies, Microsoft Word 6.0 (minimum) and the texts must come with the author’ claims attached: tittles, institutional links, complete address, telephone number, e-mail address and a list of another author’s publications.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The authors are fully responsible for the authorship of the article and for the copyright of images, photos and data included in the submitted work.

    Obs. If the author uses images or photos from third parties, he must have authorization to use them in his article.

    The authorization to use images and photos from third parties must be signed by the copyright holder of the same. It is the author's responsibility to verify the legality of the documents allowing permission to use images and photos and keep the originals of these to present to the magazine if requested.

  • Figures, graphs and tables, if any, legible and of good quality, are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document and were also sent in a complementary document with a resolution of 300 dpi in tiff format

    NOTE: The final formatting of accepted articles is carried out by the journal and sent to the authors for validation.

  • The authorship identification of the work has been removed from the submission file and from the Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the journal's secrecy criteria and the peer review process.

    In the submission metadata (registration form in the journal) the data of all authors and co-authors, training, entitlement and ORCiD code must be inserted & lt; http: //> from all authors.

  • The body of the article clearly describes the research objectives, methods and procedures, the results obtained and the theoretical contributions, in addition to the bibliography.
  • The bibliographic references must be complete, according to ABNT NBR 6023 - Information and documentation - References - Elaboration and cited according to ABNT NBR 10520 - Information and documentation - Citations in documents - Presentation.

    URLs and DOIs of references were informed when possible.

    OBS: Using DOI in references helps search engines to count citations of works. < / p>

  • The authors allow the RISCO journal to index their work on bibliographic and academic bases to expand the publication's dissemination.

    NOTE: The authors are encouraged to freely distribute the articles published in the journal on their personal pages. and institutional repositories for scientific dissemination (Scopius, ResearchID, ORCID, ResearchGate,, etc.), following the Creative Commons BY NC criteria.

  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review have been followed.
  • The authors undertake to inform in the text all sources of funding for research - public or private agencies (if any).

    See FAPESP's recommendations on how to inform financial support, through scholarships and research aids: < / p>

  • The authors are fully responsible for all ethical approvals necessary for the development of the research and affirm that they have the appropriate approvals.

    If it involves research with human beings, the authors have the appropriate ethical approvals in accordance with rules of the Brazil platform or similar in other countries.

    Platform Brazil website: Plataformabrasil/login.jsf

    Inform the approval data with the research ethics board and any conflicts of interest in the article , when relevant to the content of the paper

  • Authors who have their articles evaluated by RISCO magazine undertake to contribute to the review of articles when invited.
  • It is essential to fill in all metadata: name and surname; email; ORCID; institution / affiliation; summary of bibliography indicating training (s) and last activity and address.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.

    The articles are written in Arial font size 11, margin 2.5, justified, spacing between paragraphs of 1.5, having between 20 thousand and 50 thousand characters with space, including tables, graphs, figures and bibliographic references.

    Articles must include title, abstract and keywords (five) in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Abstracts must contain 150 (one hundred and fifty) words.

    Titles, subtitles should be ordered according to the following criteria: Title: Arial font, size 14, normal, bold; subtitles (includes abstract, resumen and abstract): Arial font, size 12, normal, bold.

    OBS: Failure to comply with these guidelines implies the refusal of the article, regardless of the evaluation of its content.

Papers and Essays

Seção composta por artigos e ensaios submetidos em fluxo contínuo de cada edição, resultantes de pesquisas e estudos relevantes pelo grau de amadurecimento e rigor das contribuições nacionais e internacionais, observando-se a pluralidade das áreas e subáreas de interesse da Revista.

Theme Group

Seção da edição fluxo contínuo em que, segundo uma demanda específica, se publicam de forma concentrada artigos vinculados a evento científico de relevância para a área, sendo avaliados por pares.


Constituída a partir de material oral resultante de depoimentos e entrevistas de relevância histórica, teórica ou crítica de profissionais, críticos e pesquisadores que desenvolveram ou vêm desenvolvendo trabalhos práticos e/ou teóricos expressivos em arquitetura e urbanismo.


Publicação comentada de traduções de textos de referência inéditos em português; manuscritos inéditos e impressos históricos ou raros; excertos literários; mapas, desenhos e esboços pouco acessíveis; plantas, gravuras ou fotografias históricas; publicação e comentário de um texto inédito; citação e circunstanciação de peças de arquivo; processos, relatórios ou pareceres técnicos; correspondência pessoal e oficial de relevância histórica; atos ou decretos legislativos e administrativos; edição crítica de recortes de jornal, anotações de cadernos de campo, etc.


Seção de resenhas de livros, elaboradas por especialistas e/ou membros de bancas examinadoras.

As resenhas devem seguir a formatação dos artigos, sem resumos, contendo, abaixo do título, as referências bibliográficas completas da obra resenhada.

A extensão máxima deve ser de 20 mil caracteres com espaço.


Seção que se caracteriza por conteúdo flexível, podendo abordar: experimentações e reflexões sobre o campo da arquitetura e do urbanismo por meio da apresentação de breves textos literários, poemas, desenhos, fotografias, ou ainda, valendo-se das possibilidades da plataforma eletrônica da Revista.

Point on Criticism

Seção de publicação de produção do IAU, com textos breves apresentando avanços na pesquisa, no ensino e na extensão de docentes e discentes do Instituto.

Seção 1_Acervo e cultura arquitetônica

Seção vinculada à Edição Temática Caron.

Seção 2_Marcos na cidade de São Paulo

Seção vinculada à ET Caron

Seção 3_O ensino de arquitetura e seus espaços

Seção vinculada à ET Caron

Seção 4_A casa é um protótipo

Seção vinculada à ET Caron

Seção 5_Em Cena: teatro e arquitetura

Seção vinculada à ET Caron

Seção 6_Arquitetura e política

Seção vinculada à ET Caron

Seção 7_Resenhas

Seção vinculada à ET Caron

Seção 8_Um poema de Caron

Seção vinculada à ET Caron

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.