The First results of the application of the Solidarity Quota

how to overcome your limits and enjoy your opportunities




Solidarity Share, Inclusive Housing, HIS, Master plan, São Paulo


This article presents the first results of the application of the Cota de Solidariedade, an urbanistic instrument that aims to promote inclusive housing. Initially, the texts of the legislation established in the city of São Paulo in 2014 and Salvador in 2016 were analyzed. The results of the application of the law in São Paulo were then evaluated until December 2018, covering five projects. Finally, a discussion is presented on the limits of the instrument to reach its objectives and proposals on how to overcome them, taking advantage of opportunities for the implementation of inclusive housing in Brazilian cities and contributing to the reversal of the serious framework of territorial inequality.


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Author Biographies

  • Patricia Cezario Silva, Universidade Federal do ABC

    Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of ABC, at the Center for Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Sciences. PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (2015), she was a research fellow at the Institute for Applied Economic Research - IPEA (2014-2015), researcher at the Laboratory of Housing and Human Settlements - LabHab (2011 -2015), and visiting researcher at the Department of Urban Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2012-2013). Architect and Urbanist with a bachelor's and master's degree from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (2001 and 2008), and specialization in Land Management and Informal Settlement Regularization from the Institute of Housing and Urban Studies - IHS (2004). With fifteen years' professional experience in real estate production and social housing, urbanization of slums and land tenure regularization, she was Assistant Professor at Universidade São Judas Tadeu, UNESCO consultant (2015-2016), consultant to World Bank (2013-2014) , project coordinator for new projects, slum urbanization and land tenure regularization at CDHU (2009-2012), coordinator of approvals and licensing at Plano e Plano (2010-2011) and CH2MHILL (2007-2009), architect and urbanist tendered at Osasco City Hall (2003-2007), architect and urban planner at Instituto Pólis (2004-2006), and architect and urban planner at Casa Assessoria Técnica (2002-2003).

  • Igor Alves Borges, Universidade Federal do ABC

    Urbanist, Master in Planning and Territory Management, specialist in geoprocessing, housing planning and territorial management and regularization of informal settlements. Experience in project management and research in the areas of urban development (Executive Plans), housing development (PLHIS), diagnosis and strategies for basic sanitation (PMSB), tourism planning (Tourism Master Plans) and social development projects (PTTS and PDST).


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Papers and Essays

How to Cite

Silva, P. C., & Borges, I. A. (2019). The First results of the application of the Solidarity Quota: how to overcome your limits and enjoy your opportunities. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 17(2), 76-85.