Urban Waters: three projects for São Paulo


  • Anne Marie Sumner Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie




Urban waters, Architecture, Infrastructure


The text and projects consider Architecture hypotheses in their interface with infrastructure for Urban Water in São Paulo, driven mainly by articulating ethical, technical and aesthetic initiatives. The landscape and architecture of urban waters are thought of in two instances: upstream in a system of small dams, with public swimming pools and downstream with deltas, laggons and bypass channel along the foothills of the Serra da Cantareira as bordering the Tietê. The latter scope also includes the approach adopted along the rails of the old Sorocabana, Central do Brasil and Santos-Jundiaí railways. The concern is to draw the geography and infrastructure from a landscape perspective: a visual, tactile and existencial view of the city such as its opacity (or transparency) and location (or undefined location).


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Papers and Essays

How to Cite

Sumner, A. M. (2020). Urban Waters: three projects for São Paulo. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 18, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-4506.v18i0p1-11