

  • Tomás Antonio Moreira Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (IAU)
  • Francisco Sales Trajano Filho Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (IAU)
  • Márcio Moraes Valença Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte






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Author Biography

  • Tomás Antonio Moreira, Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (IAU)

    PhD Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo - IAU-USP - São Carlos - Brazil. Ph.D. in Urban Studies, from the Université du Québec à Montréal - Canada, under the guidance of Professor Ph.D. Richard Morin, with a title revalidated by the University of São Paulo. Master in Applied Sciences - Habitat & Development, by Université Catholique de Louvain - Belgium, under the guidance of Professor Ph.D. Hermann Becker, with a revalidated title by the University of São Paulo. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas - Brazil. He was Full Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, belonging to the Postgraduate Program in Urbanism - POSURB - PUC-Campinas (2012-2014). He was Editor of Oculum Ensaios - Magazine of Architecture and Urbanism - POSURB-PUC-Campinas (2012-2014). He was Adjunct Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, belonging to the Postgraduate Program in Urban Management - PPGTU - PUCPR (2007-2011). He was Editor of Urbe - Brazilian Journal of Urban Management - PPGTU-PUCPR (2007-2011). He was a visiting professor at the Université de Rennes 2, at the Espace & Société Laboratory - ESO - Rennes, France (2013). He was professor of Architecture and Urbanism at UNIMEP - Santa Bárbara DOeste, UNISANTA - Santos, FIAMFAAM - São Paulo and FAU-USP - São Paulo. He also has experience in Public Agencies (Secretariat of Housing and Urban Development of the Municipality of São Paulo, Metropolitan Urbanization Company and Municipality of São Paulo), private companies (RZS SA, DEMACAMP SA, National Consortium of Engineers Consultants, Fronteira Norte SA ) and NGOs (Instituto Cidadania, Instituto Pólis, Via Pública, Ambiens Cooperativa and Institut pour la Ville en Mouvement). He has academic and professional experience in the field of Architecture and Urbanism, with an emphasis on the Production of Urban Space and Urbanization in Brazil and Latin America, as well as Social Housing, Society and State, acting mainly on the following themes: public housing and land policies, politics urban and environmental planning and territorial management, urban governance and social participation, urban planning instruments and urban mobility, as well as theory and practice of urbanism.








How to Cite

Trajano Filho, F. S., & Valença, M. M. (2019). Editorial (T. A. Moreira , Trans.). Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 17(3), 5-12. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-4506.v17i3p5-12