Vitruvian symmetria: Francesco di Giorgio Martini’s interpretation in his treatise and erected buildings




Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Vitruvian symmetria, Renaissance architecture treatises


Francesco di Giorgio Martini (c. 1480-98) elaborates a design method for temples, based on geometric-proportional schemes using circles and squares, related to the Vitruvian prescriptions on symmetria and the analogy between architecture and the human body. Henry Millon and Richard Betts began studies comparing these schemes with coeval works and drawings. Here, the objective is to continue such studies applied to the churches of San Bernardino degli Zoccolanti and Santa Maria delle Grazie al Calcinanio, both attributed to Martini. We intend to answer gaps pointed out by these historians and demonstrate that, far from stereotypical repetition, Martini’s method concerns flexibility and adequacy to a diversity of requirements imposed by architectural ideation, as well as technical and compositional progress to overcome ancient and coeval references.


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How to Cite

Pedro, A. P. G. (2021). Vitruvian symmetria: Francesco di Giorgio Martini’s interpretation in his treatise and erected buildings. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 19, 28-40.