Landscape and urban appropriation




Space and Landscape Production, Housing Plans, Urban and Spatial Quality, Appropriation of Space


The Abdelnur and Zavaglia housing projects in the municipality of São Carlos, in the state of São Paulo - Brazil illustrate how the monofunctionality produced by Brazilian public policies in popular housing, contemporary, produce conflicting and monotonous urban landscapes, devoid of qualified free spaces, incoherent with the daily lives of their users, in counterpoint to the landscape created by appropriation processes, such as the requalification of the Jeanne-Mance housing cooperative in the city of Montreal, in the province of Quebec - Canada. The aim of this work is to compare the two realities, illustrating the result of the housing production implemented with the projected natural spaces (free, green and leisure spaces) and housing estates built without this concern. Through visits to the housing complexes Abdelnur and Zavaglia, in São Carlos/SP and the housing cooperative Jeanne-Mance, in Montréal/QC, was mapped and analyzed how the transformation of the landscape by the users themselves configures a picture of greater vitality and landscape quality than the scenarios of commercial production produced by recent public policies in Brazilian housing.


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Author Biography

  • Tiago de Mattos Chafik Hindi, Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

    Tiago de Mattos Chafik Hindi est Architect et Urbaniste, étudiant en master à l’Institut d’Architecture et Urbanisme de l’Université de São Paulo, Brésil, ORCID <>.


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How to Cite

Hindi, T. de M. C. (2020). Landscape and urban appropriation. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 18, 167-180.