Urban dispersion: degradation and production of nature in a context of globalization and financialization


  • Oséias Teixeira da Silva Instituto Federal Fluminense




Urban dispersion, Financialization, Degradation of nature, Production of nature


The intensification of the process of globalization implies a moment of rupture in the pattern of
production of urban spaces that result in forms of production of the urban fabric in an
increasingly dispersed way. This new logic of urban space production is directly related to the
strategies of financial capital. One of the consequences of this process of dispersion is both a
marked degradation of nature and a production of a second nature. The present work aims to
discuss the paradoxes of this process of dispersion that at the same time occurs using a discourse
of reunion with nature at the same time that devastates it and recreates it as docile simulacrum.


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Author Biography

  • Oséias Teixeira da Silva, Instituto Federal Fluminense

    Oséias Teixeira da Silva é Geógrafo, Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Ambiental, Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF, ORCID <https://orcid.org0000-0003-3293-0336>.


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How to Cite

Silva, O. T. da. (2020). Urban dispersion: degradation and production of nature in a context of globalization and financialization. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 18, 65-79. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-4506.v18i2p65-79