“Já não existe ágora”. Sobre a crítica situacionista à expropriação da comunicação como crítica de arquitetura.





Guy Debord, Consta, spectacle


Based on Debord’s Commentaries on the Society of the Spectacle (1988) and Constant’s artistics production (1960-1985), I analyze moments in the trajectories, in which it is shown that the critique of the experience of expropriated communication cannot be made without a continued critique of the urban experience. In the integrated spectacular,
separation is a condition for sustaining social configurations. In the arrangement of the society of the spectacle, the one who listens never replies, which is equivalent to a passive behavior in contemplation. This impoverishment of communication corresponds to the impoverishment of life under the spectacle’s domination; nevertheless, to the communication that takes place in the radical praxis of dialogue lies the possibility of resistance to the spectacular power.


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Author Biography

  • Rita de Cássia Lucena Velloso, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    arquiteta pela ufmg (1989) mestre (1999) e doutora em filosofia pela UFMG (2007). professora adjunta 3  Escola de arquitetura da UFMG (desde 2012). Vice diretora Escola de arquitetura UFMG (2017-2020). professora adjunta 4 PUC MINAS (desde 1996)


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How to Cite

Velloso, R. de C. L. (2022). “Já não existe ágora”. Sobre a crítica situacionista à expropriação da comunicação como crítica de arquitetura . Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 20, 37-61. https://doi.org/10.11606/1984-4506.risco.2022.190991