From the general to the particular and from the particular to the general: considerations on furniture in the purist phase of Le Corbusier




Le Corbusier, Synthesis of the Arts, Total Work of Art, displacement of concepts, design method


In the 1920s, Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, better known as Le Corbusier, found a formulation for the modern environment, the result of a purification and concentration, of a synthesis that encompassed the Major and Minor Arts, the Synthesis of the Arts. The paper discusses the relationship between Architecture and Furniture in this decade. Corbusier typified the furniture, organized under the concept of equipment, which also articulated them with housing and with other aspects and sectors of the city. This new furniture, found on the market or designed by his office, would be arranged according to very particular strategies. Opposing the typification, there appears the mixture and displacement of procedures between Furniture and Architecture, including an expression between very different built scales.


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Author Biography

  • Daniel Juracy Mellado Paz, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Arquiteto e Urbanista, Professor da Universidade Federal da Bahia.


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Papers and Essays

How to Cite

Paz, D. J. M. (2023). From the general to the particular and from the particular to the general: considerations on furniture in the purist phase of Le Corbusier. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 21.