Present, past, future: planning and institutionalities in Brazil in the 1970's


  • Sarah Feldman Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo



territorial planning, institutionalities, civil-military dictatorship, administrative reform, centralization, territory


The 1970s are approached as a time when an authoritarian present, legacies from the past and a hopeful future had repercussions on the institutionality of territorial planning. These multiple horizons are focused on the agents involved in the organization and allocation of powers in the formulation of the planning system associated with security for the country's development; the confrontations with the civil-military dictatorship, both by organized sectors of society and by professionals within the federal administration, and the studies on urban conditions that approached social practices and territories. By making sense of this web of contexts, the text aims to contribute to the reflection on the marks of the dictatorship period in the field of territorial planning, and to the challenge of conceptual and institutional revisions that arise in the changing present.

Keywords: territorial planning, institutionalities, civil-military dictatorship, administrative reform, centralization, territory


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How to Cite

Feldman, S. (2024). Present, past, future: planning and institutionalities in Brazil in the 1970’s. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 22(1).