Edifícios públicos: arquitetura forense: arquitetura moderna questionando a simbologia e mitos do Poder Judiciário no Estado de São Paulo


  • Maria Tereza R. Leme de Barros Cordido Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos; Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo




public buildings, action plan PAGE, forensic architecture


In the State of São Paulo, forensic buildings as well as all other public buildings built until the end of the fifties were projected by the Department of Public Works (Departamento de Obras Públicas - DOP). Courts had an eclectic language, with strong academic ascendance, underlining the presence of the State and reinforcing its social hierarchy. By introducing a government plan with modernizing ideals - the Action Plan (PAGE), by Carvalho Pinto (1959-1963) -, young architects found a soil to cultivate their ideas of a new architecture, in which forensic buildings were recomposed associating new forms of social relations and democratic spaces, even though they were suited to the expectations of a "modernizing State" and "years of euphoria". During this time, the national architecture has gone through an unique production and also contributed to divulge modern architecture.






Papers and Essays

How to Cite

Cordido, M. T. R. L. de B. (2008). Edifícios públicos: arquitetura forense: arquitetura moderna questionando a simbologia e mitos do Poder Judiciário no Estado de São Paulo. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 7, 39-48. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-4506.v0i7p39-48