The Meister Eckhart's Reception in Bruno Taut: for an ARCHITECTURE WITHOUT WHY




Architecture Expressionist, Nihilism, Bruno Taut, Meister Eckhart


Analyse of the relevance of Meister Eckhart’s thinking in the utopian context of the work of the German architect Bruno Taut, aiming to contribute to the constitution of a sense to think what is indicated with the expression architecture without why.


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Author Biography

  • Oscar Federico Bauchwitz, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

    Titular Professor of Metaphysics at the Philosophy Department at UFRN. Works in the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy. He did a Postdoctoral Internship at the Universidad de Sevilla (2019-2020) with support from the Institutional Internationalization Program (PRINT-CAPES), in the form of Senior Visiting Professor Abroad, He did a Postdoctoral Internship at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, with support from CAPES. Bachelor (1988) and Master (1994) in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; PhD in Philosophy from the Universidad de Salamanca (1999), with the support of CAPES. He did a Postdoctoral Internship at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in 2005, in Barcelona. He coordinated the Neoplatonism WG of the National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy (2003-2016). He is currently developing the research project "The architecture of the useless by Bruno Taut".


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Papers and Essays

How to Cite

Bauchwitz, O. F. (2021). The Meister Eckhart’s Reception in Bruno Taut: for an ARCHITECTURE WITHOUT WHY. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 19, 1-14.