Strategies to combat poverty and their interface with health promotion


  • Simone Helena dos Santos Oliveira Paraíba Federal University; Technical Health School Brazil
  • Maria Adelane Alves Monteiro Paraíba Federal University; Technical Health School Brazil
  • Maria do Socorro Vieira Lopes Regional University of Cariri
  • Daniele Mary Silva de Brito Regional University of Cariri
  • Neiva Francenely Cunha Vieira Ceará Federal University; Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing
  • Maria Grasiela Teixeira Barroso Ceará Federal University; Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing
  • Lorena Barbosa Ximenes Ceará Federal University; Department of Nursing



health promotion, poverty, nursing


The population impoverishment is a social reality whose overcoming is necessary so that we can think about health as a positive concept. This study proposes a reflection on the coping strategies adopted by the Conjunto Palmeira, a Brazilian community in the Northeast, and their interface with health promotion. This community's reality is an example of overcoming social exclusion for different regions of Brazil and other countries. The history of the Conjunto and the collective strategies of empowerment for coping with poverty and search for human development are initially presented. After that, we establish the relationship of those strategies with the action fields for health promotion. Finally, we consider that the mutual responsibility of the community with its health and its relationship with the environment in which they live are means of promoting transformation towards the conquest of a worthy social space.






Short Communications/Cases Accounts

How to Cite

Strategies to combat poverty and their interface with health promotion. (2007). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 15(spe), 867-873.