Technical-assistance arrangements in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic from the managers’ perspective




Pandemics; COVID-19; Public Health; Health Management; Health Services; Health Manager.


Objective: to describe the technical-assistance arrangements developed within the scope of work management in the COVID-19 pandemic care network, from the managers’ perspective. Method: a qualitative research study, of the incorporated single case type, conducted with 23 managers of a Health Care Network. The analysis was applied in two thematic coding cycles, with the aid of the ATLAS.ti software. Results: the arrangements were analyzed in categories related to health care; management; incorporation of technologies; implementation of a field hospital; and retrospective analysis of the experiences as a whole. There was emphasis on the implementation of care flows, virtual health bulletins, Telemonitoring, chatbots, use of applications, and implementation of field hospitals and of basic urgency services within the scope of the Basic Health Units. Hyperjudicialization in the system was identified; as well as weaknesses in information management, intersectoriality and technical-political leadership at the national level; the role of nurses in management positions and for coping with the pandemic. Conclusion: despite the health services’ unpreparedness to face the pandemic, the actors’ resilience promoted dynamism and technical-assistance arrangements in the context of management and humanized care. The study has a potential to contribute to the qualification of the public policy management and development practices.






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How to Cite

Technical-assistance arrangements in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic from the managers’ perspective. (2022). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 30, e3591.