Biographical ruptures by the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent and young trans men and transmasculine people: demands for nursing




Transsexualism; Sexual and Gender Minorities; Men’s Health; Adolescent Health; Health Vulnerability; Nursing Care


Objective: to understand the biographical ruptures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent and young trans men and transmasculine people in the Brazilian context. Method: qualitative study - multicenter, online survey. A total of 97 self-identified trans men and 22 transmasculine people participated and completed a semi-structured form in two stages. The data was subjected to Reflective Thematic Content Analysis. The interpretation was made on a sociological basis, based on the concept of biographical rupture. Results: five categories were derived: interruption of hormonization, surgeries and specialized follow-up; discomforts caused by the rupture of masculine characteristics, self-image, self-perception, and identity; vulnerability from the losses of family members and significant people, employment, and weakening of support networks; emergence of psycho-emotional problems, such as loss of meaning in life; demands for nursing care and valuing the life of transmasculine adolescents and young men in post-pandemic times. Conclusion: the biographical ruptures caused by the pandemic threatened the identities of trans and transmasculine people of adolescents and youth, degraded and interrupted biographies, leading them to the loss of meaning in life. Nursing professionals can be strategic and essential in overcoming threats by intervening early.






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How to Cite

Biographical ruptures by the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent and young trans men and transmasculine people: demands for nursing. (2022). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 30, e3754.