Intrafamily violence during adolescence in the city Puno - Peru
violence, domestic violence, pregnancy in adolescence, risk factors, rape, sexual harassmentAbstract
This epidemiological case-control study aimed to describe the epidemiological profile of intrafamily violence against pregnant and non pregnant adolescents. The study was carried out at the outpatient clinic for central care to adolescents of the Regional Hospital Manuel Nuñez Butrón and at secondary schools in the city of Puno - Peru. The results were obtained by means of statistical analysis, verifying statistically significant differences for the occurrence of physical violence (p= 0.008) and sexual-rape violence (p= 0.01). The majority of the adolescents were victims of different types of aggression, executed either by members of the family (intrafamily) or by individuals outside the family (extrafamily). The most frequent causes associated to this aggression were disobedience, late arrival at home, having friends/boyfriends and doing domestic chores slowly.Downloads
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How to Cite
Intrafamily violence during adolescence in the city Puno - Peru. (2006). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 14(4), 579-585.