Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Children


  • Suyanne Freire de Macêdo Universidade Federal do Piauí; Campus Floriano
  • Márcio Flávio Moura de Araújo Universidade Federal do Maranhão; Campus Imperatriz
  • Niciane Pessoa Bandeira Marinho Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Adman Câmara Soares Lima Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Roberto Wagner Freire de Freitas Universidade Federal do Piauí; Campus Floriano
  • Marta Maria Coelho Damasceno Universidade Federal do Ceará




Risk Factors, Children Health (Public Health), Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Nursing


This study investigates risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus in a population of children in public schools, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. A total of 727 children aged 6 to 11 years old from 12 schools were evaluated between March and June 2008. A form addressing socio-demographic data, body mass index, blood pressure, capillary blood glucose and waist circumference was applied. A total of 54.1% of the children were female, 21.7% were overweight, 6.6% were obese, 27% had central obesity, 6.2% showed altered capillary glucose, and 17% high blood pressure. In relation to risk factors, 53.4% presented no risk factors; 24.3% had at least one factor and 18.8% two risk factors. Nurses can intervene in schools through educational health programs encouraging the adoption of healthy habits and identifying children at risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.






Original Articles

How to Cite

Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Children . (2010). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 18(5), 936-942. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-11692010000500014