Sleep problems and social support: Frailty in a Brazilian Elderly Multicenter Study
Sleep, Social Support, Aged, NursingAbstract
This study identifies relationships among the quality of perceived social support and sleep problems and napping habits in community-dwelling elderly. This study is part of a larger multicenter project entitled "Frailty in Brazilian Elderly Individuals", conducted in 17 Brazilian cities. A total of 498 elderly individuals capable of participating in interviews and free of cognitive deficits or functional impairment were found. The following instruments were used in data collection: Questionnaire addressing socio-demographic data; Interpersonal Support Evaluation Scale; questions concerning sleep patterns (Nottingham Health Profile); questions related to napping habits (Minnesota Leisure Activity Questionnaire). Descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney test were used for data analysis. The elderly individuals who reported having sleep problems in general, taking longer to fall asleep and sleeping poorly at night had lower scores on the Interpersonal Support Evaluation Scale than the elderly who denied such problems. Strategies to improve the quality of social support could also help reduce sleep problems.Downloads
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How to Cite
Sleep problems and social support: Frailty in a Brazilian Elderly Multicenter Study . (2011). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 19(4), 920-927.