Imaginative construction of care: the nursing professional experience in a remote care service


  • Yocelyn Margaret Price Romero Universidad Andrés Bello; Facultad de Enfermería
  • Margareth Angelo Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Enfermagem
  • Luz Angelica Muñoz Gonzalez Universidad Andrés Bello; Facultad de Enfermería



Telenursing, Delivery of Health Care, Qualitative Research, Nursing


The direction of care delivery goes from the action to the being; a process built from professional experience, which gains special characteristics when the service is delivered by telephone. The goal of this research was to understand the interaction between professionals and users in a remote care service; to do so, a research is presented, using Grounded Theory and Symbolic Interactionism as theoretical references. Data were collected through eight interviews with professionals who deliver care by telephone. The theoretical understanding permitted the creation of the theoretical model of the Imaginative Construction of Care, which shows the interaction processes the professional experiences when delivering care by telephone. In this model, individual and social facts are added, showing the link between the concepts, with special emphasis on uncertainty, sensitivity and professional responsibility, as essential components of this experience.






Original Articles

How to Cite

Imaginative construction of care: the nursing professional experience in a remote care service. (2012). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 20(4), 693-700.