Microcurrent application as analgesic treatment in venous ulcers: a pilot study


  • Raciele Ivandra Guarda Korelo Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Silvia Valderramas Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná
  • Bruno Ternoski Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná
  • Danilo Sanches Medeiros Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná
  • Letícia Fernandes Andres Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná
  • Sandra Mara Meireles Adolph Faculdade Dom Bosco




Varicose Ulcer, Wound Healing, Electrical Stimulation


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of microcurrent electrical stimulation on pain and area of venous ulcers. In a pilot study for a single-blind controlled clinical trial, carried out at an outpatient clinic during four weeks, 14 subjects with venous ulcers (mean age 62±9 years) were divided in two groups: microcurrent (n=8) and control group (n=6). Pain (by Visual Analogue Scale) and the ulcer area were measured by planimetry. There was a significant difference between the two groups with respect to pain (microcurrent group from 8.5 (6.5-9.75) to 3.5 (1-4.75) and control group from 7.5 (5.75-10) to 8.5 (5.5-10), p<0.01). Non-significant changes were found with respect to ulcer area (planimetry by graph paper, p=0.41 and by Image J®, p=0.41). In conclusion, the application of microcurrent improves the pain of patients with venous ulcers (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01372020).






Original Articles

How to Cite

Microcurrent application as analgesic treatment in venous ulcers: a pilot study. (2012). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 20(4), 753-760. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-11692012000400016