Construction and content validation of the scale of predisposition to the occurrence of adverse events


  • William Mendes Lobão Universidade do Estado da Bahia
  • Igor Gomes Menezes Universidade Federal da Bahia; Instituto de Psicologia



Quality of Health Care, Iatrogenic Disease, Nursing Care, Psychometrics, Validation Studies


This study aimed to present the results of the construction and content validation of the Scale of Predisposition for the Occurrence of Adverse Events (EPEA). A descriptive research with a qualitative approach was carried out. To study the quality of nursing care and design the scale, we performed a literature review that resulted in a preliminary instrument, composed of 90 items, divided into two dimensions to assess the quality of health care (structure and process). Expert analysis and semantic analysis were applied as techniques to study the content validity of the instrument. The findings indicate that the operational version of the EPEA was composed of 64 items, grouped into two dimensions: structure (18 items) and process (46 items). The EPEA is the first Brazilian measure constructed to assess the nurses' attitudes towards the factors that may predispose to the occurrence of adverse events in ICU.






Original Articles

How to Cite

Construction and content validation of the scale of predisposition to the occurrence of adverse events. (2012). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 20(4), 796-803.