The exposure of the nursing profession in online and print media


  • Rodrigo Jose Martins Cardoso Universidade do Porto; Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas Abel Salazar
  • Joao Manuel Garcia de Nascimento Graveto Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
  • Ana Maria Correia Albuquerque Queiroz Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra



OBJECTIVE: to describe the coverage of news concerning the nursing profession in the Portuguese media: informative sites on the Internet and in print media. METHOD: a total of 1,271 health news items were collected in September and October of 2011 (956 online news items and 325 news items originating from the press review of the Portuguese Order of Nurses). Statistical analysis was used to characterize the variables. RESULTS: nurses were the sources of information in 6.6% of cases, suggesting limited media exposure. The health news collected is characterized by a production based on limited information sources, that is, male and official sources, on information disseminated by news agencies focused on economic and political issues in the health field. CONCLUSION: the presence of nurses in the news concerning nursing health is reduced. We suggest that nurses develop public communication skills to disseminate the importance of their profession in society and their relationship with the media.


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How to Cite

The exposure of the nursing profession in online and print media . (2014). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 22(1), 144-149.