Contributing factors to marketing educators’ teaching performance: insights from executive postgraduate programmes in Brazil
Practitioner Educator, Marketing Education, Executive Education, Experiential LearningAbstract
Purpose: to understand how marketing faculty become reference-educators of business executives by exploring the factors that contribute to their teaching performance.
Design/methodology/approach: Exploratory qualitative research, using in depth interviews in which the object of the study was the marketing educator, based on three Brazilian business schools.
Findings: the teaching performance depends on the teaching practice, which is influenced by technical knowledge, pedagogical factors and personal features. The development of a practitioner educator is a complex process that arises from both formal and informal learning.
Research implications: deepens the understanding of marketing educators’ individual factors, proposing a model to expand the knowledge of the factors shaping a reference-educator.
Practical implications: raises awareness among managers of Higher Education Institutions of the relevance of the development of its educators considering not only pedagogical skills, but also marketing and social skills.
Social implications: Improvements in education generate a positive contribution to society. Better marketing educators may result in better professionals, which could, ultimately, generate more benefits both for corporations and for society.
Originality/value: Existing literature has neglected the understanding of how marketing educators’ individual factors may impact on good teaching to create a well-rounded practitioner-educator. This study seeks to address that gap by exploring how marketing faculty, especially practitioners of marketing, become reference-educators, that is, educators identified as exemplars of good practice by their students and peers.
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