Carcinoma tímico
causa de alargamento mediastinal
Carcinoma, Timo, Mediastino, Timoma, Diagnóstico por ImagemResumo
Relatamos o caso de um paciente do sexo feminino, 76 anos, com tosse há seis meses. Os exames laboratoriais estavam normais. Na radiografia do tórax observou-se alargamento do mediastino no terço médio do tórax. Posteriormente, foram realizadas tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética do tórax que caracterizaram uma massa localizada no mediastino anterior, envolvendo a aorta ascendente e comprimindo a veia cava superior. O diagnóstico histológico pós-biópsia e ressecção parcial da lesão foi de um carcinoma tímico de células escamosas.
1. Nasseri F, Eftekhari F. Clinical and radiologic review of the normal and abnormal thymus: pearls and pitfalls. Radiographics. 2010;30:413-28.
2. Abdel-Razek AA, Khairy M, Nada N. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging in thymic epithelial tumors: correlation with World Health Organization classification and clinical staging. Radiology. 2014;273(1):268-75.
3. [homepage on the Internet]. American Cancer Society. Thymus cancer. [cited 2019 Mar 5]. Available from:
4. Hye Ju Lee, Helaine Yanata. Doenças Mediastinais. In: Cerri GG, Leite CC, Rocha MR, editores. Tratado de Radiologia. São Paulo: Inrad; 2017.p. 224-261
5. Nishino M, Ashiku SK, Kocher ON, Thurer RL, Boiselle PM, Hatabu H. The thymus: a comprehensive review. Radiographics. 2006;26(2):335-48.
6. Lucchi M, Ambrogi MC, Duranti L, Basolo F, Fontanini G, Angeletti CA et al. Advanced stage thymomas and thymic carcinomas: results of multimodality treatments. Ann Thorac Surg. 2005;79(6):1840-4.
7. Song Z, Yu X, Zhang Y. Chemotherapy and prognosis in advanced thymic carcinoma patients. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2015;70:775-80.
8. Park MS, Chung KY, Kim KD, Yang WI, Chung JH, Kim YS et al. Prognosis of thymic epithelial tumors according to the new World Health Organization histologic classification. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004;78(3):992-7.
2. Abdel-Razek AA, Khairy M, Nada N. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging in thymic epithelial tumors: correlation with World Health Organization classification and clinical staging. Radiology. 2014;273(1):268-75.
3. [homepage on the Internet]. American Cancer Society. Thymus cancer. [cited 2019 Mar 5]. Available from:
4. Hye Ju Lee, Helaine Yanata. Doenças Mediastinais. In: Cerri GG, Leite CC, Rocha MR, editores. Tratado de Radiologia. São Paulo: Inrad; 2017.p. 224-261
5. Nishino M, Ashiku SK, Kocher ON, Thurer RL, Boiselle PM, Hatabu H. The thymus: a comprehensive review. Radiographics. 2006;26(2):335-48.
6. Lucchi M, Ambrogi MC, Duranti L, Basolo F, Fontanini G, Angeletti CA et al. Advanced stage thymomas and thymic carcinomas: results of multimodality treatments. Ann Thorac Surg. 2005;79(6):1840-4.
7. Song Z, Yu X, Zhang Y. Chemotherapy and prognosis in advanced thymic carcinoma patients. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2015;70:775-80.
8. Park MS, Chung KY, Kim KD, Yang WI, Chung JH, Kim YS et al. Prognosis of thymic epithelial tumors according to the new World Health Organization histologic classification. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004;78(3):992-7.
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Boyadjian AA, Beneduzzi ML, Fregonesi CM, Prado IST, Mello DFRE, Landell GAM, et al. Carcinoma tímico: causa de alargamento mediastinal. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 27º de abril de 2020 [citado 13º de março de 2025];53(1):67-71. Disponível em: