A 6-month comparison of quality of life and mood states between physically active and sedentary college students


  • Franco Noce Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Laboratório de Psicologia do Esporte
  • Henrique de Oliveira Castro Centro Universitário Estácio Brasília
  • Tadeu Sartini Ferreira
  • James Guo
  • André Gustavo Pereira de Andrade Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Laboratório de Biomecânica
  • Varley Teoldo da Costa Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Laboratório de Psicologia do Esporte




Quality of Life. Mood Disorders. Physical activity. Sedentary Lifestyle


Physical inactivity has been described as one of the major public health problems of the 21st century. Physical activity plays an important role in reducing the prevalence of sedentarism, improving the quality of life and improving individuals’ mental health. Objective: This study aimed to perform a 6-month comparison of quality of life (QOL) and mood states (MS) between physically active and sedentary college students. Methods: A sample of 32 individuals completed questionnaires to assess their level of physical activity, quality of life and mood states. They were separated into two groups: sedentary (n=15) and physically active (n=17). The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used for assessing PA levels, the WHO Quality of Life-BREF for QOL and the Brazilian Mood Scale for MS. We used factorial analysis of variance with repeated measures and post-hoc Tukey test (p ≤ 0.05) for QOL and MS inferential analysis. Results: QOL was significantly higher for the physically active group in Environment and Social Relationships domains. Similarly, MS showed increased scores in Vigor dimension for the physically active group after six months. Conclusions: These results suggest PA can positively influence aspects of an individuals‘ quality of life. However, our data did not show a significant influence of PA on mood states


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Author Biographies

  • Franco Noce, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Laboratório de Psicologia do Esporte
    Professor Doutor da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG. Laboratório de Psicologia do Esporte - LAPES/UFMG
  • Henrique de Oliveira Castro, Centro Universitário Estácio Brasília
    Professor Mestre do Centro Universitário Estácio Brasília. Doutorando em Ciências do Esporte - UFMG
  • Tadeu Sartini Ferreira
    Graduado em Medicina pelo Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte - Uni-BH. Residente em Cirurgia Geral no Hospital Alberto Cavalcanti - FHEMIG
  • James Guo
    Bacharel em Ciências Bológicas pela Cornell University
  • André Gustavo Pereira de Andrade, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Laboratório de Biomecânica
    Professor Doutor da UFMG. Laboratório de Biomecânica - BIOLAB/UFMG
  • Varley Teoldo da Costa, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Laboratório de Psicologia do Esporte
    Professor Doutor da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG. Laboratório de Psicologia do Esporte - LAPES/UFMG






Original Articles

How to Cite

Noce F, Castro H de O, Ferreira TS, Guo J, Andrade AGP de, Costa VT da. A 6-month comparison of quality of life and mood states between physically active and sedentary college students. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2016 Feb. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];49(1):9-16. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/rmrp/article/view/118364