Patch-type granuloma annulare: a case report


  • Rafael Tomaz Gomes Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente
  • Jenifer Greice Schiavetti Ribeiro Balizardo Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente
  • Carlos Zelandi Filho Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente. Laboratório Micromed
  • Luiza Vasconcelos Schaefe Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente



Dermatology. Skin Diseases. Case Reports. Granuloma Annulare


Granuloma annulare (GA) is a benign, self-limited condition which the etiology remains unknown. It is clinically characterized as annularly, erythematous papules on the extremities. Histologically, it shows as palisading granulomas with central degenerated collagen and mucin deposits. The patient in this case report had a rare GA variant named patch-type GA. It appeared as asymptomatic erythematous macules with central clarification on the upper portion of thighs. Histopathology was compatible with interstitialtype GA. We highlight that a high index of suspicion is necessary to make the diagnosis of patch-type GA and confirmation can only be achieved through histopathology study


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Author Biographies

  • Rafael Tomaz Gomes, Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente
    Médico. Cirurgião-dentista. Residente em Dermatologia do Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente (SP)
  • Jenifer Greice Schiavetti Ribeiro Balizardo, Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente
    Médica. Colaboradora do Setor de Dermatologia do Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente
  • Carlos Zelandi Filho, Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente. Laboratório Micromed
    Médico. Especialista em Patologia. Colaborador do Setor de Dermatologia do Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente (SP). Laboratório Micromed de Presidente Prudente (SP)
  • Luiza Vasconcelos Schaefe, Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente
    Médica. Especialista em Dermatologia. Preceptora do Programa de Residência Médica em Dermatologia do Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente (SP)






Case Reports

How to Cite

Gomes RT, Balizardo JGSR, Zelandi Filho C, Schaefe LV. Patch-type granuloma annulare: a case report. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2017 Apr. 4 [cited 2024 Jun. 26];50(2):130-3. Available from: