Relationship between stress and self-esteem of pregnant women during prenatal care




Pregnant Women, Psychosocial Impact, Prenatal Care, Stress, Psychological, Social Support


Objective: Analyzing the components of the psychosocial profile of pregnant women during prenatal care. Methods: a quantitative and analytical study performed with 160 pregnant women between the ages of 14 and 47 assisted at a reference hospital in Maranhão, in 2017. Results: the majority of pregnant women were between 19 and 35 years of age (48.75%); attended to 0-5 prenatal appointments (40.65%), and were nulliparous (43.13%). The linear regression analysis evidenced the influence of stress due to financial and family-related problems; the items that most explained the construct of self-esteem were feeling that they are not a failure and feeling satisfied with themselves; Pearson's correlation of stress and self-esteem was negative and had a significantly strong influence. Conclusion: the stress among the psychosocial factors is the one that most influences prenatal changes probably in self-esteem because when related to stress it showed a negative relation.


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How to Cite

Gomes FC da S, Aragão FBA, Serra LLL, Chein MBC, Santos JPF dos, Santos LMR dos, et al. Relationship between stress and self-esteem of pregnant women during prenatal care. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 27 [cited 2024 Jun. 29];53(1):27-34. Available from: