Assessment of the impact of waiting time until admission in the Intensive Care Unit on the clinical outcome of critical patients




Emergency, Intensive Care Unit, Mortality


The premise that underpins this study is that the more Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds available, the shorter the waiting time for ICU admission, resulting in better clinical outcomes, which justifies the relevance of this study. Objective: Assess if the waiting time in the Emergency Room until ICU admission influences on the clinical outcome of critical patients. Methods: An observational longitudinal retrospective study performed in a public hospital in Joinville/SC in 2019. This study analyzed data from patients admitted to the ICU with up to 72h of waiting time in the Emergency Room. It compares Q4’2017 (phase 1), when there were 14 ICU beds in the hospital vs. Q4’2018 (phase 2), when there were 30 ICU beds. Results: 173 medical records were analyzed in 2017-2018. There was a statistically significant difference in the time for ICU admission between 2017 and 2018 (median 22h vs. 15h; p=0.0002). There was also a statistically significant difference for mortality rates up to 24h of admission (9.61% vs. 2.47%; p=0.04). There was no statistically significant difference for hospital mortality rates (34.6% vs. 35.5%; p=0.57). There was also no statistically significant difference between the other parameters analyzed. Conclusion:Comparing 2017 and 2018, waiting time for an ICU bed was shorter in 2018, and the mortality rates up to 24 hours of ICU admission were lower. However, waiting time in the Emergency Room until ICU admission did not show as-sociation with hospital mortality rates.



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Author Biographies

  • Maria Luiza Floriano, Universidade da Região de Joinville

    Acadêmica do quinto ano do curso de Medicina da Universidade da Região de Joinville 

  • Glauco Adrieno Westphal, Hospital Municipal São José

    Preceptor do programa de residência médica em Medicina Intensiva do Hospital Municipal São José. Joinville/SC, Brasil.

  • Deorgelis Rosso, Hospital Municipal São José

    Médico intensivista do Hospital Municipal São José - Joinville/SC, Brasil.


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2021-06-24 — Updated on 2021-07-16



Original Articles

How to Cite

Mendes ML, Floriano ML, Fabre L, Tessari P, Longo M, Westphal GA, et al. Assessment of the impact of waiting time until admission in the Intensive Care Unit on the clinical outcome of critical patients. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 16 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];54(1):e169399. Available from: