Medical education in pandemic times and technology-mediated active methodologies




Medical education, Medical informatics applications, Online learning


This experience report aims to present the use of active methodologies mediated by technology in times of pandemic in the discipline Basic-Clinical Integration II of the medical course. The experience is characterized as a possibility to contribute to the development of professors in the post-pandemic world. In a group with five professors and 40
students, the Basic-Clinical Integration II discipline was adapted on an emergency basis for activities mediated by technology. The contents studied enabled the integration of disciplinary knowledge to the clinic and posed numerous pedagogical challenges in this unprecedented moment of how to teach, learn, and survive a pandemic. In 16 meetings via the institutional platform, active teaching-learning methodologies were used, with various strategies. The virtual learning model is not new, although unique for this group of students and this discipline. Its value lies in the possibility to rethink education and its mechanisms in a laborious exercise of creativity to face new challenges arising from extreme situations. The application of active methodologies associated with feedback from students was essential for the decision-making in the continuity of the integration of the components, leading to the construction of a pleasant discipline that contributed to the training process of all involved. The greatest learning was the need for adaptation and creativity, allowing contributions to the construction of the teaching identity. Praxis
was strengthened and reinvented, and adaptation and creativity were considered necessary skills for teaching development in the post-pandemic world.


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Papers on Medical Education

How to Cite

Melo AC de, Valente C, Souza DM de, Batista KZS, Lopes RD, Barauna SC. Medical education in pandemic times and technology-mediated active methodologies. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];54(2):e-174684. Available from: