The Japanese Health System and its coping mechanisms against COVID-19
Japan, Coronavirus infections, Health systems, COVID-19, SARS-CoV2Abstract
Introduction: despite being the country with the highest average age globally, Japan has stood out in the fight against the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) pandemic by presenting low contamination rates by the virus and mortality.
Objective: we aim to discuss the health strategies adopted by Japan in the face of the COVID-19 disease pandemic, as well as to evaluate data on Japanese contamination and mortality compared to the other four countries with the highest average age in the world (Italy, Germany, Portugal and Spain) and Brazil.
Methodology: the search was carried out to evaluate Japanese health strategies by using the following databases: PubMed, Cochrane, and Scielo using a combination of the terms "Japan", "covid", "coronavirus" and "health systems" in English, Spanish and Portuguese. The COVID-19 infection data was extracted from the Our World in Data website, from January 25, 2020, to July 30, 2020.
Results: Among the measures adopted by the country to face the pandemic, the early diagnosis and response to infection, contact tracing, early diagnosis and availability of intensive care for critically ill patients, and encouraging behavioral distancing measures stand out. Among the countries analyzed, Japan has the lowest rates of contamination and mortality in absolute terms by COVID-19.
Conclusions: social distancing measures, early diagnosis, and treatment seem to have contributed to the success in combating COVID-19 in Japan. In the studied period, in a million inhabitants, Japan had 6.13 cases of covid while Brazil had 218.26 cases. As for the number of deaths confirmed by the disease, the first had a rate of 0.23 while the second had 5.16 cases per million inhabitants. Based on the knowledge of these measures, it is possible to seek similar mechanisms when designing health policies to face pandemics in other countries.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Lucas Soares Bezerra, Maria Mariana Barros Melo da Silveira, Joao Victor Batista Cabral, Maira Galdino da Rocha Pitta, Cesar Augusto Souza de Andrade

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