Teacher Development for emergency remote teaching and online learning: The Unicamp case study





Higher education, Teaching, Remote teaching, Professional development, Information technologies resources


This paper presents and discusses the institutional actions of the University of
Campinas (Unicamp) related to the undergraduate education in response to the
Covid-19 pandemic and previous efforts to improve courses and the professional
development of its faculty. We present the activities of two sections associated to the
Undergraduate Dean's Office, the Support Space for Teaching and Learning (EA2)
and the Educational Technology Division (GGTE). First, we provide an initial report
on the ongoing programs with emphasis on the discussion of Unicamp's response to
the extraordinary conditions resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. The internal and
external regulation adjustments, from regulatory entities of higher education in the
state of São Paulo, are highlighted, as well as we present the training activities and
support programs facing the challenges of the Emergency Remote Education (ERE)
adopted by the Unicamp. Additionally, a brief analysis of the remote work performed
by the teacher in the Covid-19 pandemic period is presented from two surveys
carried out internally, by different agencies. This experience resulted in a huge
learning experience for Unicamp, which showed agility in decision-making and the
execution of actions that mitigated the negative impacts on teaching and learning.
Besides the proper functioning of its support structures, there was also a strong
engagement of its teachers, employees and students in the continuation of
Unicamp's activities in the remote approach by means of the use of digital resources.


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Author Biographies

  • Eliana Amaral, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Professora-Titular de Obstetrícia

       Pró-Reitora de Graduação

  • Soely A. J. Polydoro, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Doutora em Educação

    Professora na Faculdade de Educação

  • Marco Antonio A. G. Carvalho, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica

       Livre Docente


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How to Cite

Amaral E, Polydoro SAJ, Carvalho MAAG. Teacher Development for emergency remote teaching and online learning: The Unicamp case study. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 23];54(Supl 1):e-182214. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/rmrp/article/view/182214