From followers of tendencies to disruption – a (poorly learned) lesson that Science has brought us for at least a century




Pandemic, Innovation, Education, University Education, Science, Covid-19


As a result of the social isolation brought by pandemic Covid-19, getting updated has become a main challenge to teaching practice. We still face cognitive resistance in the process of teaching and learning through ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as if technology would be a threat and would substitute the fundamentals of a true Education.

For Education to overcome its problematic adolescence with the exponential new Technologies it is necessary to act in a proactive manner from mere follower of new trends to proposer of solutions, by demanding pertinent and necessary technological updates (equalization or inversion of the pace of advancement between markets).

This desired jump will happen only when the focus of transformation changes from the extrinsic to an intrinsic perspective of educational technics and methods for an open and flexible mental model, based on Systems Theory and a nonlinear subjectivity. Virtualization of education in the sense of Pierre Lévy will only happen when teachers are able to perform cognitive processes structured in the notion of complexity.

Pandemic events and advents would not catch us off guard if we were motivated to the new. We will live and work safe facing insecurity when we virtualize our consciousness.

Seeking to solve this fundamental and definitive problem of Education – as precursor of true social and anthropological transformation – must be a challenge taken by main Universities as legitimate fields of embryonic practices and knowledge. Universities need to offer an environment conducive to reinvention, permanent innovation towards an emancipatory University Education, independent of means and methods currently available.

An important change of perspective is now emerging and we hope that doubts and hesitations or even resistance may be neutralized with the help of arguments presented here.


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2021-08-20 — Updated on 2021-09-16

How to Cite

Benevenuto D. From followers of tendencies to disruption – a (poorly learned) lesson that Science has brought us for at least a century. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 16 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];54(Supl 1):e-184770. Available from: