Staff and patient satisfaction with telemedicine strategies adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic at a children’s hospital
Telemedicine, Pediatric, COVID-19Abstract
Objective: This study aimed to assess the satisfaction of patients or their caregivers and medical staff with the telemedicine strategies adopted at HC Criança, a Brazilian tertiary-care hospital, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: An electronic survey was sent to each group (patients/caregivers and staff) with questions on their experiences with telemedicine answered as Likert scales. Results: 81 answers were obtained from medical staff and 1,721 from patients/caregivers. Among patients/caregivers, 892 (52%) reported they did not have any appointment
by telemedicine. Most patients/caregivers who experienced telemedicine at least once reported they were not trained to use telemedicine (77%), while overall satisfaction was 56%. Most (78%) believed telemedicine could be adopted after the pandemic. Among the medical staff, 77% reported they were not trained to use telemedicine, 56% rated their experience with telemedicine as satisfactory, and 78% believed telemedicine could be adopted in the future. Conclusion: Satisfaction with telemedicine of patients, their caregivers, and medical staff at HC Criança was good during the COVID-19 pandemic, even without proper training, and they think telemedicine could be adopted after the pandemic.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriel Alcala Souza e Silva, Fabio Carmona

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