Birth conditions of children of women living with HIV




Pregnant, Newborn, Vertical transmission, HIV serodiagnosis


The objective was to identify the conditions of birth of children of women living with HIV in the period between 2009 and 2019, at the Regional Maternal and Child Hospital of Imperatriz (MA). Cross-sectional, quantitative, documentary study, with descriptive analysis of the data and carried out in a reference maternity hospital between August
2020 and July 2021. Information from the medical records of HIV-positive pregnant women and their newborn children was included. The results collected 314 medical records, of which 195 were eligible. Regarding the birth conditions of the newborns, in 56.41% the rapid test was negative; 72.82% used post-birth prophylaxis; 75.38% did not receive breast milk; 68.2% received vaccines at birth; 40.51% did not use any medication. 20.51% of the mothers were between 36 and 40 years old; 59.48% did not live in the municipality surveyed; 23.6% were housewives; 65.64 were multipara women; 46.15% were diagnosed with HIV during pregnancy; 67.17% had no coinfections; 82.05% underwent prenatal care; 60.51% used intrapartum prophylaxis; and 77.43% underwent cesarean section. The prenatal and childbirth follow-up of most of these women living with HIV reflected positively on the conditions of birth of their children, being an important strategy, aiming at the non-vertical transmission and
prevention of the disease in children.


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Author Biographies

  • Milena da Silva Soares, Federal University of Maranhão

    Federal University of Maranhão, graduate student in Health and Technology, Imperatriz, MA, Brazil;

  • Ezequiel Almeida Barros, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Imperatriz, (MA), Brasil

    Curso de Enfermagem

  • Janainna Ferreira e Silva, Federal University of Maranhão

    Federal University of Maranhão, Nursing Course, Imperatriz, MA, Brazil;

  • Romila Martins de Moura Stabnow Santos, Federal University of Maranhão

    Federal University of Maranhão, graduate student in Health and Technology, Imperatriz, MA, Brazil;

  • Ana Cristina Pereira de Jesus Costa, Federal University of Maranhão

    Federal University of Maranhão, Nursing Course, Postgraduate in Health and Technology, Imperatriz, MA, Brazil; PhD in Nursing, Adjunct Professor


  • Livia Maia Pascoal, Federal University of Maranhão

    Federal University of Maranhão, Nursing Course, Postgraduate in Health and Technology, Imperatriz, MA, Brazil; PhD in Nursing, Adjunct Professor

  • Marcelino Santos Neto, Federal University of Maranhão

    Federal University of Maranhão, Nursing Course, Postgraduate in Health and Technology, Imperatriz, MA, Brazil; Doctor of Science, Associate Professor

  • Floriacy Stabnow Santos, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Imperatriz, (MA), Brasil

    Doutora em Ciências, Professora Adjunta


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— Updated on 2023-12-18



Original Articles

How to Cite

Soares M da S, Barros EA, Ferreira e Silva J, Santos RM de MS, Costa ACP de J, Pascoal LM, et al. Birth conditions of children of women living with HIV. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];56(4):e-207645. Available from: