Brief Intervention and Motivational Interview in the Use of Psychoactive Substances




Brief intervention, Motivational interviewing, Treatment, Drugs


This article aims to present to the non-specialist physician the treatment of Brief Intervention (BI) and motivational interviewing techniques for the management of patients who use psychoactive substances for both inpatient and outpatient settings. BI is a treatment with proven effectiveness in the treatment of psychoactive substances-related problems, with low cost for its implementation and can be performed by several health professionals (provided they are duly qualified). Knowledge of the BI by the non-specialist physician is extremely important, as it allows the patient’s treatment to be started more quickly. Often, he will be the first and only health professional that will assess the patient, which increases the chance of adherence to treatment and therefore its effectiveness. The professional who knows how to apply the BI will be able to perform the triage of cases and thus refer the patient properly if specialized follow-up is necessary.


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Author Biography

  • Danilo Ribeiro, Hospital Estadual de Serrana

    Médico psiquiatra assistente 


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How to Cite

Ribeiro D. Brief Intervention and Motivational Interview in the Use of Psychoactive Substances. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 3];57(1):e-221927. Available from: