Hepatic schistosomiasis as an occasional finding in a transplanted liver


  • Ivelise R. C. Brasil Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Larissa R. Nepomuceno Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Rodrigo T. Schüller Hospital Geral de Fortaleza
  • Ticiana M. Esmeraldo Hospital Geral de Fortaleza
  • Romero M. Esmeraldo Hospital Geral de Fortaleza
  • Ronaldo M. Esmeraldo Hospital Geral de Fortaleza




Liver Cirrhosis, Liver Transplantation, Schistosomiasis mansoni.


Introduction: The prevalence of cryptogenic cirrhosis ranges from 5% to 30% of cirrhotic patients in past series (CADWELL et al, 1999). Liver transplantation represents the only option to revert the hepatic insufficiency and its complications in cirrhotic patients in advanced stage. In Brazil, Mansonic Schistosomiasis is a public health problem and endemic disease, particularly in the Northeast of the country. Methods: Case report of a male patient, admitted to Hospital Geral de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, with cryptogenic hepatic cirrhosis, classified as Child-Turcotte-Pugh C, with a MELD of 25, submitted to a liver transplantation, and found to have schistosomal hepatic disease on biopsy report. We reviewed the patient's medical history and physical examination on admission, prescription, results of laboratory tests and follow up data. Survey of the literature in national and international scientific journals helped in collecting information on this disease. Conclusions: Parasitic infections in solid organ transplant has increased in the recent years. It is very important to keep a strict control of the quality of the organs and tissues used in transplantations, as well as an improvement in diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis techniques, especially in liver transplantation, in view of a high prevalence of parasitic infections in our country, in order to prevent the development of other comorbidities, and to increase the survival of transplanted patients. In endemic countries, potential donors or recipients who have active schistosomal infection should be preventively treated.


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Author Biographies

  • Ivelise R. C. Brasil, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

     Professora adjunta Universidade Estadual do Ceará, chefe
    serviço transplante hepático do Hospital Geral de FortalezaCE

  • Larissa R. Nepomuceno, Universidade Estadual do Ceará
    Aluna do 5º. Ano do curso de medicina da Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Rodrigo T. Schüller, Hospital Geral de Fortaleza

    Patologista do serviço de transplante Hepático do Hospital
    Geral de Fortaleza

  • Ticiana M. Esmeraldo, Hospital Geral de Fortaleza

    Médica do serviço de transplante Hepático do Hospital Geral de Fortaleza

  • Romero M. Esmeraldo, Hospital Geral de Fortaleza

    Médicos do serviço de transplante Hepático do Hospital Geral de Fortaleza

  • Ronaldo M. Esmeraldo, Hospital Geral de Fortaleza

    Médico do serviço de transplante Hepático do Hospital Geral de Fortaleza





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How to Cite

Brasil IRC, Nepomuceno LR, Schüller RT, Esmeraldo TM, Esmeraldo RM, Esmeraldo RM. Hepatic schistosomiasis as an occasional finding in a transplanted liver. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2013 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jun. 28];46(2):178-82. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/rmrp/article/view/62492