Prevention of disabilities in leprosy

a critical view


  • Marcos Virmond Hospital Lauro de Souza Lima
  • Hannelore Vieth Associação Alemã de Ajuda no Combate da Hanseníase



Leprosy, prevention & control.


Leprosy is a skin-nerve disease vhere the neural component is predominant although skin lesions calls for more attention. The new and effective Multidrug Therapeutic (MDT) regimens from WHO do not necessarely prevent the of development of nerve damage. Actually, the possible diminuition of nerve damage and disabilities is, more likely, a result of improvements in the care of patients after the introduction of MDT, in addition to its therapeutic effectiveness. Prevention of disabilities has been negleted in favour of a more close attetion to early diagnosis and adequate treatament. It is needed to redirect actions for prevention of disabilities and associate them to diagnosis and tretament since they are closely linked. Prevention of disabilities means behaviour modification which is usually difficult to achieve, specially among adults. Techiniques for disability prevention are quite effective and, in this regard the problem of prevention in leprosy lies on how to do it and not on what to do.


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Author Biographies

  • Marcos Virmond, Hospital Lauro de Souza Lima

    Pesquisador do Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima

  • Hannelore Vieth, Associação Alemã de Ajuda no Combate da Hanseníase

    Associação Alemã de Ajuda no Combate da Hanseníase






Simpósio: Hanseníase

How to Cite

Virmond M, Vieth H. Prevention of disabilities in leprosy: a critical view. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 1997 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];30(3):358-63. Available from: