Aspectos sociodemográficos, clínicos, epidemiológicos y asistenciales de niños y adolescentes tratados por retinoblastoma en Brasil: un estudio transversal



Palabras clave:

Retinoblastoma, Child, Adolescent, Family, Eye Neoplasms


Introduction: Retinoblastoma greatly impacts the affected children and adolescents and their families. Epidemiological approaches to this form of cancer in Brazil are scarce, and this gap motivated this study. Objectives: This study aimed to describe the sociodemographic, clinical, epidemiological, and care characteristics of children and adolescents treated for retinoblastoma in Brazil and analyze whether there is any association between them. Methods: It is a cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical study, carried out with accompanying family members of children and adolescents treated for retinoblastoma in Brazil, sampled by snowball sampling, via a web survey, based on a semi-structured questionnaire elaborated by the authors, shared on social media. Results: The children and adolescents were represented by 129 accompanying family members from the five largest regions of Brazil. Low education level, housewifery, and low family income were associated with exclusive care provided by the Unified Health System, while low family income was associated with the use of ocular prosthesis post retinoblastoma. Conclusion: The identified odds ratio indicated the importance of family members’ sociodemographic aspects for the clinical, epidemiological and care outcomes of the children and adolescents treated. Public healthcare services were the most used for oncology care, which endorses the relevance of the Unified Health System for children, adolescents, and their family members who have been impacted by retinoblastoma in the country.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Gabriela Silva Bochi, Federal University of Alfenas, (MG), Brazil

    Medicine Student.

  • Alicia Natali Ferreira da Silva, Federal University of Alfenas, (MG), Brazil

    Medicine Student

  • Maria Izabel Pereira Messias, Federal University of Alfenas,(MG), Brazil

    Medicine Student

  • Jessica Luanda Lemos Melo, Federal University of Alfenas, (MG), Brazil

    Master's student in Nursing

  • Namie Okino Sawada, Federal University of Alfenas, (MG), Brazil

    PhD in Nursing

  • Murilo César do Nascimento, Federal University of Alfenas. Nursing School, Alfenas, (MG), Brazil

    PhD in Sciences (Community Health)

  • Fabiana Lucio de Oliveira, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southern Minas, Brazil

    PhD in Physiology.


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Cómo citar

Bochi GS, Silva ANF da, Messias MIP, Melo JLL, Sawada NO, Nascimento MC do, et al. Aspectos sociodemográficos, clínicos, epidemiológicos y asistenciales de niños y adolescentes tratados por retinoblastoma en Brasil: un estudio transversal. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2022 May 4 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];55(1):e-185512. Available from: