Autonomic cardiac and cardiorespiratory responses in volleyball athletes compared to recreationally trained individuals


  • Alex Souto Maior
  • Pedro Menezes
  • Steven Fleck Sport Science Department. Colorado College
  • Travis Bunker
  • Matthew Rhea
  • Richard Diego Leite
  • Roberto Simão



Autonomic System, Aerobic Exercise. High Intense Training


Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the autonomic cardiac modulation between professional volleyball players (VP) and recreational aerobically trained individuals (RAT). Methods: Twentyeight men were divided into two groups, (VP; n = 14) and (RAT; n = 14) and each group was subjected to a sub-maximal progressive ramp treadmill test. Cardiac cycle beat to beat (RR) intervals, was obtained through electrocardiogram recording with the test being stopped when the individual reached 85% of their maximum age-predicted heart rate (HR). The heart rate variables were calculated from ECG using MATLABbased algorithms. Results: At rest, RAT showed lower values of the mean value of RR interval, the root mean square successive difference of all RR intervals (r-MSSD), low frequency (LF) and total power spectral (TP) when compared to VP. No significant difference between groups was noted for high frequency (HF) and index LF/HF. After exercise, no significant differences were measured between groups. Mean values of VO2, VE/VO2, and VE showed no significant difference at rest and post effort. Conclusion: The variables such as frequency, intensity and volume may to interfere the autonomic cardiac modulation and possibly indicating a superior protection against exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias and lower risk of sudden cardiac deaths


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Biografia do Autor

  • Alex Souto Maior
    University Augusto Motta (UNISUAM). Master Program in Rehabilitation Sciences , Rio de Janeiro
  • Pedro Menezes
    Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Physical Education Post-Graduation Program. Rio de Janeiro
  • Steven Fleck, Sport Science Department. Colorado College
    Sport Science Department. Colorado College. Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
  • Travis Bunker
    RACE Rx Academy of Exercise Sciences, Logan, Utah, USA
  • Matthew Rhea
    RACE Rx Academy of Exercise Sciences, Logan, Utah, USA
  • Richard Diego Leite
    Universidade Federal do Maranhão. Physical Education Department. São Luis, MA
  • Roberto Simão
    Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Physical Education Post-Graduation Program. Rio de Janeiro






Artigo Original

Como Citar

Maior AS, Menezes P, Fleck S, Bunker T, Rhea M, Leite RD, et al. Autonomic cardiac and cardiorespiratory responses in volleyball athletes compared to recreationally trained individuals. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 20º de dezembro de 2015 [citado 11º de março de 2025];48(6):589-97. Disponível em: