Instrument for measuring home cooking skills in primary health care




Cooking, Knowledge, Psychometrics, instrumentation, Food and Nutrition Education, Primary Health Care


OBJECTIVE To develop and validate an instrument for measuring the home cooking skills of health professionals involved with guidelines for promoting adequate and healthy food in primary health care. METHODS This is a methodological study with a psychometric approach, carried out in the city of São Paulo between January and November 2020, to develop and validate a self-applied online instrument. The data of the 472 participants were presented by descriptive statistics. Content validation was performed by expert judgment using the two round Delphi technique and empirical statistics for consensus evidence. Exploratory factor analysis was used for construct validation and reliability analysis, and the model adjustment rates and composite reliability were analyzed. RESULTS The instrument presented satisfactory content validity for CVRc indices and 𝜅 in the two rounds of the Delphi technique. After the factor analysis, the final model of the Primary Health Care Home Cooking Skills Scale presented 29 items with adequate factorial loads (> 0.3). Bartlett’s and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin’s (KMO) tests of sphericity performed in exploratory factorial analysis suggested interpretability in the correlation matrix, the parallel analysis indicated four domains and explained variance of 64.1%. The composite reliability of the factors was adequate (> 0.70) and the H-index suggested replicable factors in future studies. All adjustment rates proved to be adequate. CONCLUSIONS The Primary Health Care Home Cooking Skills Scale presented evidence of validity and reliability. It is short and easy to apply and will make it possible to reliably ascertain the need for qualification of the workforce, favoring the planning of actions and public policies of promotion of adequate and healthy food in primary health care.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Teixeira, A. R., Camanho, J. S. P., Miguel, F. da S., Mega, H. C., & Slater, B. (2022). Instrument for measuring home cooking skills in primary health care. Revista De Saúde Pública, 56, 78.

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