Rubella, measles and mumps serum antibodies in children of S. Paulo, Brazil


  • Renato Piza de Souza Carvalho Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
  • Alfred S. Evans Yale University; School of Medicine; Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
  • Luitgard Grossmann Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
  • Cláudio Sérgio Pannuti Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo



Seroepidemiologic study^i2^snormal child, Rubella-measles-mumps


One hundred and sixty high socio-economic level, 6-12 year old children, attending a primary school, were tested in 1969 for rubella, measles and mumps HI antibodies. A 49.3% positivity for rubella antibodies, 88.2% for measles and 79.4% for mumps were found. A good correlation was observed between a positive history of clinical disease in the past and detectable serum antibodies for measles and mumps (95.3% and 91.7%, respectively). Quite on the contrary was observed when the history of measles and mumps disease or immunization in the past were negative, as 51.8% and 61.4% of these children, respectively, presented antibodies. As regards rubella, no correlation was obtained as the great majority of the parents was unable to give information on this disease in the past.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Carvalho, R. P. de S., Evans, A. S., Grossmann, L., & Pannuti, C. S. (1976). Rubella, measles and mumps serum antibodies in children of S. Paulo, Brazil . Revista De Saúde Pública, 10(4), 279-284.