Tetanus: state of immunity in an urban infant population from S. Paulo (SP), Brazil


  • Hideyo Iizuka Instituto Butantan
  • Hisako Gondo Higashi Instituto Butantan
  • Edison P. Tavares de Oliveira Instituto Butantan
  • Ananias Pereira Porto Faculdade Santo Amaro; Departamento de Medicina Preventiva
  • Arthur Tadeu de Assis Instituto Butantan
  • Tatiana Nichejevis Instituto Butantan
  • Airton Marcondes Sodré Instituto Butantan




Tetanus^i2^sch, Tetanus^i2^sS. Paulo, SP, Bra, Tetanus antitoxin, Immunity


Ascertainment of the antitetanic immune state in a group of 126 children, 5 to 7 years old, from the infant population of S. Paulo city (Brazil), disclosed 41% and 21% of 5 and 6-year-old individuals respectively, susceptible to tetanus. All the 7-year-old children showed protection against tetanus, revealing a circulating antitoxin content at levels superior to 0.01 IU/ml. By analysis of the results it became clear that susceptibility varies in inverse ratio to age. The mean content of tetanus antitoxin oscillated between 0.0289 and 0.1143 IU/ml of serum.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Iizuka, H., Higashi, H. G., Oliveira, E. P. T. de, Porto, A. P., Assis, A. T. de, Nichejevis, T., & Sodré, A. M. (1979). Tetanus: state of immunity in an urban infant population from S. Paulo (SP), Brazil . Revista De Saúde Pública, 13(2), 113-118. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0034-89101979000200007