The use of repeated praziquantel treatments in an attempt to control Hymenolepis nana in an orphanage


  • R. S. Rocha Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou
  • Omar dos Santos Carvalho Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou
  • José Soares dos Santos Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou
  • Naftale Katz Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Horizonte; Seção de Parasitoses



Hymenolepis nana^i2^scont, Parasitic diseases, Praziquantel


Praziquantel was used repeatedly in an orphanage to determine its effectiveness in controlling hymenolepis. At the same time, the possible mechanisms of the transmission of this parasitosis were studied. The first group examined consisted of 161 people of which 109 were the orphanage children, who varied in age from days or months to eight years, and 52 adults, employees of the institution. Stool tests of all were made about every two months, using the Hoffman, Pons and Janer method; cure control was carried out by the same method seven to fourteen days after treatment. Every two weeks, H. nana eggs were searched for under the finger nails of the children, in insects, in domestic wastes, on door knobs and refrigerator handles, and on toilet flush knobs and strings. Water collected from rinsed urinals and shower floors was also tested. Eggs and larva of helminths and protozoa cysts were found in domestic waste and cockroaches and on door knobs. H. nana eggs were found in puddles of water left on shower floors and the rinse water of urinals. Every patient whose feces had H. nana eggs was treated with a single oral 25mg/kg dose of praziquantel, taken after lunch. In the four groups treated (66 patients in all), no important side effects were observed, and follow-up indicated 100% cure. For the 5th and last treatment, a group of both positive and negative (for H. nana) people was divided into sub-groups and treated with one (25mg/kg) or two doses of the medicine for a period of four days (total: 50mg/kg). Follow-up examination two months after treatment showed that only six patients were still eliminating eggs of the parasite; all belonged to the sub-group treated with a single dose of the drug. In spite of the treatments given an of the high percentage of cure, control of hymenolepiasis was not achieved.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Rocha, R. S., Carvalho, O. dos S., Santos, J. S. dos, & Katz, N. (1981). The use of repeated praziquantel treatments in an attempt to control Hymenolepis nana in an orphanage . Revista De Saúde Pública, 15(4), 364-370.