Mortality from violent causes in the city of S. Paulo, Brazil: IV - The situation in 1980


  • Maria Helena Prado de Mello Jorge Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Epidemiologia



Death, violent causes^i2^sS. Paulo, SP, Bra, Mortality, Accidents


Deaths from violent causes occurred in the city of S. Paulo in 1980 were studied, taking as sources of information the descriptions of the circunstances of the deaths registered together with the autopsy findings in the records of the Medico-Legal Institute of S. Paulo. The objective was to classify that mortality according to the actual causes of death and to some variables considered important from an epidemiological point of view, and to compare it with that of preceding years, using identical methodology. The results showed a decrease in the risk of death from these causes as compared to 1975, in the rates for the whole group of violent causes, just as in the more specific rates for motor vehicle traffic accidents, other accidents and suicides. As for homicides, the rates showed an increace of 80% as against those of 1975. The distribution of deaths by age and sex was also analyzed, as well as by types of violence an place and time of occurrence. The data led to the conclusion that mortality from violent causes is a considerable public health problem.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Mello Jorge, M. H. P. de. (1982). Mortality from violent causes in the city of S. Paulo, Brazil: IV - The situation in 1980 . Revista De Saúde Pública, 16(1), 19-41.