Growth profile of children attending a supplementary feeding program


  • Barbara Regina Lerner Secretaria de Estado da Saúde; Instituto de Saúde
  • Dóris Lucia Martini Lei Secretaria de Estado da Saúde; Instituto de Saúde
  • Lenise Mondini Secretaria Estadual de Abastecimento
  • Sandra Pinheiro Chaves Secretaria de Estado da Saúde; Instituto de Saúde
  • Maria Lucia Rosa Stefanini Secretaria de Estado da Saúde; Instituto de Saúde



Supplementary feeding, Anthropometry, Nutritional status, Growth, Child


The growth profile of 1,511 children attending a supplementary feeding program was studied over the year after admission. The children, aged 6 to 72 month and from five cities of the Greater S. Paulo region (Brazil), were attending the official Brazilian supplementary "Nutrition and Health Program" (PNS). Weight and height for age were used as indicators, and were expressed as centile values of the anthropometric reference standard (NCHS). At admission, the profile for weight and for height was deviated to the left, showing a great concentration of children in the lower deciles and few in the higher ones, thus characterizing a malnourished population. One year later, the growing profile of the children showed an improvement of the nutritional status, as there had been a noteworthy decrease in the number of children in the first decile for all ages in both weight and height. The height of the children age 12 to 24 month showed a great improvement as 49% of them had been in the first decile at admission, but this percentage diminished to 18% after just one year on the program.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Lerner, B. R., Lei, D. L. M., Mondini, L., Chaves, S. P., & Stefanini, M. L. R. (1988). Growth profile of children attending a supplementary feeding program . Revista De Saúde Pública, 22(5), 436-440.