Two decades of research on tuberculosis in Brazil: state of the art of scientific publications


  • Afrânio Lineu Kritski Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Faculdade de Medicina; Programa Acadêmico TB
  • Tereza Scatena Villa Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto
  • Anete Trajman Universidade Gama Filho
  • José Roberto Lapa e Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Faculdade de Medicina; Programa Acadêmico TB
  • Roberto A. Medronho Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Faculdade de Medicina; Programa Acadêmico TB
  • Antonio Ruffino-Netto Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto



Tuberculosis, Academic dissertations, Research^i2^stre, Qualitative research, Publications for science diffusion, Education, Public health professional


The trends of scientific articles about tuberculosis in Brazil published between 1986 and 2006 were analyzed. This analysis included Capes database-indexed dissertations and theses and papers indexed in Medline and SciELO. Papers containing the word "tuberculosis" and authors affiliated to Brazilian institutions were included in the assessment. The analysis showed initially case report and review publications, and later it shifted to original articles on science, technology and innovation. These changes may reflect the strengthening of scientific research activities and new attitudes regarding tuberculosis research objectives in academic institutions in recent years. Although many theses used qualitative methodology, few qualitative publications were found, possibly because of the quantitative orientation of many journals. Qualitative versus quantitative research and education versus research-oriented publications are discussed, together with public policies and strategies to include research as a tool to control diseases. The use of the same methodology is suggested to assess the trends in research on other neglected diseases.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Kritski, A. L., Villa, T. S., Trajman, A., Lapa e Silva, J. R., Medronho, R. A., & Ruffino-Netto, A. (2007). Two decades of research on tuberculosis in Brazil: state of the art of scientific publications . Revista De Saúde Pública, 41(suppl.1), 9-14.